International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology

ISSN: 2313-3759

Vol. 8 No. 7 September 2021


Participatory Project Implementation and Performance of Mango Farming Projects in Makueni County, Kenya

Author: Charles Kyale Kisumbi, Dr. Angeline Sabina Mulwa, Dr. John Mwaura Mbugua


Title: Tuition fees waiver on the crude cohort wastage rates in public secondary schools in Bungoma County, Kenya
Author: Herman Joseph Wachiye, PhD

Title: Identity politics and Ethnic claims among the Pastoral Pokot of Baringo, Kenya
Author: Nicholas Nyaga Njeru & Nyabuto Gabriel

Title: Human Factors Influencing Managementof Aircraft Fire Disasters at International Airports in Kenya
Author: Mneria Nelson Kiplangat1, Dr. Edward M. Mugalavai1, Prof. Silvery B. B. Oteng’i2

Title: Evaluating the Black Start Capacity of a Power System
Author: Sara Al-Zyoud, Daifallah Dalabeih*